Romania / Bucuresti
    Calea Moșilor, Nr. 158, Biroul 2A, Scara B, Etaj 2, Sectorul 2

    Elpidex Trading este producator de ambalaje din lemn si cherestea din zona de nord-est a Romaniei, fabrica principala aflandu-se inca de la inceputuri in localitatea Galanesti, judetul Suceava. Parte din Elpidex Grup, societate cu o vechime de peste 28 de ani si traditie ”din tata-n fiu” in industria de taiere si rindeluire a lemnului, Elpidex Trading a luat nastere exclusiv pentru productia de paleti, boxpaleti si cherestea, din lemn certificat FSC, tratate conform ISPM 15.


    Elpidex Trading is a producer of wooden packaging and timber from the northeastern part of Romania, the main factory being from the beginning in Gălănești, Suceava County. Part of Elpidex Grup, a company with over 28 years of experience and a „father-to-son” tradition in the wood cutting and planing industry, Elpidex Trading was born exclusively for the production of pallets, box pallets and timber, from certified FSC wood, treated according to ISPM 15.