TehnoWorld este o fabrica romaneasca de teava din polietilena de inalta densitate, polipropilena si PVC-U. Proiectul isi are inceputul in anul 2003, cand s-au pus bazele unei echipe de ingineri si oameni dedicati, convinsi ca prin organizare, munca si disciplina se poate face performanta. Calitatea produselor, respectarea termenelor si consultanta oferita sunt motive pentru care partenerii si colaboratorii aleg TehnoWorld.
TehnoWorld is a factory producing high density polyethylene, polypropylene and PVC-U pipes in Romania. The project began in 2003, when the foundations were laid by a team of engineers and dedicated people convinced that performance can be achieved through organization, work and discipline. The quality of the products, the compliance with the time limits and the consultancy services offered are the reasons why the partners and collaborators choose TehnoWorld.