Vest Tract este o companie specializatain comertul cu tractoare, echipamente si utilaje agricole.Obiectivul nostru este acela de a garanta clientilor nostri un suport real in alegerea produsului potrivit pentru nevoile lor . Suntem importatori pentru tractoarele McCormick si dealer official pentru mai multe branduri importante Krone , Maschio Gaspardo, Faresin, Capello, Zanon , Tume , Umega , RM Irrigtion , Bargam , Guttler, Bellucci& Rossini , Madara , APV si altele …
Vest Tract is a company specialized in the trade of tractors and agricultural machinery. Our goal is to guarantee our customers a real support in choosing the right product for their needs. We are importers for McCormick tractors and official dealer for several major brands Krone, Maschio Gaspardo, Faresin, Capello, Zanon, Tume, Umega, RM Irrigtion, Bargam, Guttler, Bellucci & Rossini, Madara, APV and others…